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Is the Moon Tired? By Christina Rosetti: Lesson Plan

Is the Moon Tired? is one of the most beloved poems, by reknown poet Christina Rosetti. Though short, it is an incredibly effective poem to use when teaching about everything from emotions to personification, and more.

Below is a sample lesson plan you can use to bring this beautiful poem to life. We’ll also suggest homework and extension activities, so you can extend the learning to outside the classroom!

Duration: 1 hour


  • Students will analyze the poem “Is the Moon Tired?” to understand the emotions conveyed.
  • Students will explore the use of figurative language in the poem.
  • Students will express their own emotions through creative writing.


  • Copies of the poem “Is the Moon Tired?” by Christina Rossetti (one per student)
  • Whiteboard or projector for displaying the poem
  • Whiteboard markers and eraser
  • Chart paper and markers
  • Art supplies (colored pencils, markers, crayons, etc.)
  • Writing paper and pencils

Poem: Is the Moon Tired? By Christina Rosetti

Is the moon tired? she looks so pale
Within her misty veil:
She scales the sky from east to west,
And takes no rest.

Before the coming of the night
The moon shows papery white;
Before the dawning of the day
She fades away.

Introduction (10 minutes):

  1. Begin by asking students if they’ve ever felt tired. Discuss what makes them feel tired and how it affects them.
  2. Introduce the concept of expressing emotions through poetry. Explain that poets use words to convey feelings and thoughts in a unique way.
  3. Display the poem “Is the Moon Tired?” on the whiteboard or projector. Read the poem aloud to the class, emphasizing the tone and emotions conveyed.

Analyzing the Poem (15 minutes):

  1. Break the class into small groups. Provide each group with a copy of the poem.
  2. Have the groups read the poem together and discuss the following questions:
    • What emotions do you think the speaker is expressing in the poem?
    • What clues from the poem help you understand these emotions?
    • Can you find any examples of figurative language (metaphors, similes, etc.) in the poem?

Group Discussion (10 minutes):

  1. Bring the class back together and have each group share their thoughts about the poem’s emotions and figurative language.
  2. Write key points on the whiteboard or chart paper for reference.

Exploring Figurative Language (10 minutes):

  1. Discuss the concept of figurative language (language that uses words or expressions with a meaning that is different from the literal interpretation).
  2. Have students identify examples of figurative language in the poem and explain how they contribute to the poem’s emotional impact.

Creative Expression (15 minutes):

  1. Distribute art supplies to the students.
  2. Ask each student to choose an emotion (other than tiredness) and create a visual representation of that emotion using art. Encourage them to use colors, shapes, and lines to convey the chosen emotion.
  3. After completing their artwork, students should write a short poem or descriptive paragraph about their chosen emotion. They can incorporate figurative language and descriptive words to enhance their writing.

Sharing and Reflection (5 minutes):

  1. Allow volunteers to share their artwork and poems with the class.
  2. Discuss the experience of expressing emotions through both visual art and writing.
  3. Ask students how they felt during this creative process and if it helped them better understand the connection between emotions and artistic expression.

Conclusion (5 minutes):

  1. Recap the main points of the lesson, emphasizing the importance of expressing emotions and thoughts through various forms of creative expression.
  2. Invite students to continue exploring poetry and artistic expression as a way to communicate their feelings.

Homework (Optional): Ask students to find another poem that conveys emotions and write a short paragraph explaining why they chose that poem and how it makes them feel.


Assessment will be based on student participation in discussions, the quality of their creative artwork and writing, and their ability to identify and explain figurative language in the poem.

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