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Wind On the Hill Poem Lesson Plan

Wind On the Hill is one of the best poems that you can use in the classroom. Full of simple rhyme, and bursting with beautiful imagery, teachers can make entire themes of work based solely on this short poem.

Below is a basic lesson plan that you can use in your classroom. We’ve also shared some extension activities on how you can bring the learning to outside of English class.

Lesson Plan: Exploring “Wind on the Hill” Poem

Objective: Students will analyze and interpret the poem “Wind on the Hill” by A.A. Milne, understand its themes, literary devices, and poetic elements. They will also engage in discussions and creative activities to deepen their appreciation of the poem.


  1. Copies of the poem “Wind on the Hill” by A.A. Milne
  2. Whiteboard or blackboard
  3. Markers or chalk
  4. Art supplies (colored pencils, markers, crayons)
  5. Chart paper or large poster paper
  6. Access to technology (optional, for multimedia activities)


Wind On The Hill By A.A Milne

No one can tell me,
Nobody knows,
Where the wind comes from,
Where the wind goes.

It’s flying from somewhere
As fast as it can,
I couldn’t keep up with it,
Not if I ran.

But if I stopped holding
The string of my kite,
It would blow with the wind
For a day and a night.

And then when I found it,
Wherever it blew,
I should know that the wind,
Had been going there too.

So then I could tell them
Where the wind goes…
But where the wind comes from
Nobody knows.

Day 1: Introduction and Analysis

    1. Hook (10 minutes):

      • Begin by asking students if they have ever experienced the wind on a hill or in any other location. Invite them to share their experiences.
      • Introduce the poem “Wind on the Hill” by A.A. Milne. Provide some background about the author and the context of the poem, if necessary.

  1. Reading and Initial Discussion (15 minutes):

    • Distribute copies of the poem to each student or display it on a screen. Read the poem aloud as a class.
    • Lead a discussion about students’ initial thoughts, feelings, and impressions of the poem. Ask open-ended questions to stimulate conversation.
  2. Literary Analysis (25 minutes):

    • Divide the class into small groups and assign each group a specific literary device or element to analyze (e.g., imagery, rhyme, personification, theme, mood).
    • Give the groups time to discuss their assigned element within the poem and make notes.
    • Have each group present their findings to the class, discussing how their assigned element contributes to the overall meaning and impact of the poem.

Day 2: Thematic Exploration and Creative Expression

  1. Thematic Discussion (20 minutes):

    • Review the themes identified in the previous class’s literary analysis.
    • Lead a class discussion about the deeper meanings and messages conveyed by the poem. Explore the significance of nature, imagination, and the connection between the speaker and the wind.
  2. Creative Activity – Art (30 minutes):

    • Instruct students to create artwork inspired by the poem “Wind on the Hill.” They can illustrate a scene from the poem or capture the emotions and themes through their artwork.
    • Provide art supplies and encourage students to use their creativity freely.
  3. Creative Activity – Writing (15 minutes):

    • Have students write a short paragraph or a poem expressing their personal feelings or reflections about the wind or nature. They can draw from their own experiences or imaginations.

Day 3: Presentation and Reflection

  1. Presentation Preparation (20 minutes):

    • Allow students time to finalize their artwork and written pieces from the previous day’s activities.
    • Encourage them to practice presenting their work to the class confidently.

  2. Student Presentations (40 minutes):

    • Have each student or group share their artwork and written pieces with the class.
    • After each presentation, open the floor for questions and comments from their peers.
  3. Closing Reflection (10 minutes):

    • Lead a closing discussion about what the students have learned from the poem “Wind on the Hill” and the creative activities.
    • Encourage students to discuss how their perspectives on nature or poetry have evolved through this lesson.


  • Formative assessment will be conducted throughout the lesson through class discussions and group activities.
  • Summative assessment can include evaluating the students’ written reflections and their ability to identify and analyze literary devices within the poem.

Note: This lesson plan can be adapted for different grade levels by adjusting the complexity of the literary analysis and the depth of discussion during the thematic exploration.

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